- Caezarina Marie Calimbahin, Susan Pancho-Festin, Jhoanna Rhodette Pedrasa: Mitigating Data Integrity Attacks in Building Automation Systems using Denoising Autoencoders. ICUFN 2019: 390-395:2017
- Edgardo Felizmenio, Susan Festin: Evaluating the Viability of Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption on Service-Oriented Health Information Exchange Systems. ICUFN 2019: 443-448
- J. D. Ultra, Susan Pancho-Festin: A simple model of separation of duty for access control models. Computers & Security 68: 69-80 (2017)
- Susan Pancho-Festin, Marie Jo-anne Mendoza. Integrating computer security into the undergraduate software engineering classes: Lessons learned. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering: Learning for the Future Now, TALE 2014, pp. 395-397
- Kathleen Gay Figueroa, Susan Pancho-Festin: An Access Control Framework for Semi-trusted Storage Using Attribute-Based Encryption with Short Ciphertext and Mediated Revocation. CANDAR 2014: 507-513
- Ivy Joy G. Mallare, Susan Pancho-Festin: Combining Task- and Role-Based Access Control with Multi-Constraints for a Medical Workflow System. ICITCS 2013: 1-4
- Luther Paul R. Caranguian, Susan Pancho-Festin, Luis G. Sison: Device interoperability and authentication for telemedical appliance based on the ISO/IEEE 11073 personal health device (PHD) standards. EMBC 2012: 1270-1273
- Alexis Velarde Pantola, Susan Pancho-Festin, Florante Salvador: Rating the raters: a reputation system for wiki-like domains. SIN 2010: 71-80
Older Publications
- Dakila Reyes II, Cedric Angelo M. Festin, Susan Pancho-Festin: Incentive-Based Self-Organized Public Key Management for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. NSS 2009: 565-570
- Susan Pancho-Festin, Dieter Gollmann: On the Formal Analyses of the Zhou-Gollmann Non-repudiation Protocol. Formal Aspects in Security and Trust 2005: 5-15
- Marife G. Ontua, Susan Pancho-Festin: Evaluation of the Unified Modeling Language for Security Requirements Analysis. WISA 2005: 68-80
- Susan Pancho: Paradigm shifts in protocol analysis. NSPW 1999: 70-79